Updated monthly by Relume

The world's largest collection of desktop and mobile layouts
Get access to over 1,000 unique layouts, inspired by the best marketing websites in the world.
Everything you need
From page templates, marketing sections, e-commerce sections, application ui and more.
Monthly updates
We religiously do big additions each month to ensure our library is up to date with Figma.
Using Figma’s
Best Practices
Our components are built using best practices in Figma, which will help you improve your Figma workflow instantly.

Design System
You can customize typography, colors, textures, and UI elements at a global level in seconds.

Responsive layouts
that just work
Need to design for desktop and mobile? No problem. Swap the breakpoint variant and watch all your content seamlessly shift into place.
次のプロジェクトで Relume を無料でお試しください
