Updates and improvements to Relume.
We're excited to announce a long-awaited update to Site Builder: you can now delete elements, rearrange lists, and duplicate content in your wireframes. These powerful features allow for quick adjustments to your wireframes before sharing them with clients and team members.
September Component Day brings improvements to the Relume component library which powers Site Builder. We've introduced global controls for taglines and tags in both Webflow and Figma, enhanced component consistency, and made optimisations to improve SEO performance. The React Library now includes 55 new components, and the Figma Kit has been updated with all the latest enhancements.
We have released new components and updates for October Component Day. These include uncommon components, application components, new UI elements, updates to our Pro Figma Kit, and improvements to our account management system, such as team billing and shared workspace features.
We've released new components and updates for May Component Day, including an Inspiration Feed, Tooltips, Page Loaders, Loading Animations, and an update to community sharing. The Figma Kit has also been updated with new components and UI elements.
We've launched a documentation hub called Resources. This hub includes a Getting Started Video Series, Docs, and FAQs. We've also introduced an Import Sitemap feature, which lets you import a website's sitemap into the Site Builder within minutes. Additionally, the React team has released 50 new components.
We have introduced the ability to remove elements in Site Builder for faster wireframe adjustments. Lumers can also reset components to recover deleted elements. Additionally, new Timeline Sections are now available, designed to creatively display stories, processes, or historical events.
We've released new components, updates and features for June Component Day, including an AI-powered Sitemap Builder, Uncommon Components, Mobile Version of Figma Kit and Spacing Automations.
June Component Day introduces new updates to Relume including 26 Feature Tabs Sections, 5 Cookie Consent modals, and a React Library Update with 65 new components. We've also made our Premium Figma Kit available for free so that more people can experience the full potential of designing websites with Relume.
We have released new components and updates for July Component Day, including Application Components, Sitemap Builder updates such as Color Tagging and Sharing, and new application components and icons added to the Pro Figma kit.
July Component Day brings new updates to Relume, featuring 16 Links Page components, 8 new Uncommon components, and a React Library Update with 45 new components. Additionally, we have updated our Figma Kit to include all the new components.
We’re kicking off the year with a bang, and are excited to announce that Site Builder now supports React & HTML Export! Generate wireframes in Site Builder before exporting to React in just a few clicks. Powered by Tailwind CSS and Shadcn UI, our React components are built with the right foundations for speed & scalability allowing you to create custom marketing sites on any React-supported platform, including Next.js, Astro, Vite, and Webpack.
In our latest update to the Site Builder, we have made several UI/UX improvements to enhance your experience. We have made changes to the sitemap navigation, added a sitemap bar, and introduced the ability to generate empty pages. We are also excited to introduce page-based prompting, which allows you to refine sitemaps and wireframes with specific prompts. Additionally, we have unveiled a new sitemap UI, introduced multi-language generation (in beta), and released overlapping image sections for dynamic web design possibilities.
We're excited to announce the public beta release of our Style Guide Builder, with a full launch scheduled for March 4th, 2025!.This release introduces powerful features including intelligent color palette generation, smart typeface pairing recommendations, and streamlined UI element styling capabilities. As part of this update, we're also launching 15 new components across our Figma, Webflow, and React platforms, featuring dynamic testimonial sliders, full-bleed hero headers, and interactive gallery sliders—all supported by our enhanced natural language search functionality.
This month we're excited to release v1.0.0 of the Relume React Library, which includes the full component library with React and HTML exports, improved search functionality, and integration with paid plans, alongside updates to our Figma Kit.
We have released new components and updates for December Component Day. These include Commenting and Ask AI Text Editing in Site Builder, as well as Event and Stats components and Class Sync Updates.
August Component Day introduces Page Groups, allowing for better organisation of sitemap pages by categorising related pages under one element. Additionally, enhancements to the Wireframe view will enable easier editing, such as deleting elements and reordering list items. Lastly, we've updated our React Library with 50 new components.
We've launched our first Webflow app, Site Builder Import, which simplifies the process of importing pages from Site Builder to Webflow. We've also introduced 8 Uncommon Components to our collection for use in Figma and Webflow. In addition, the Relume React Beta, offering 100 blocks and common UI elements, is now open for use. Lastly, our Premium Figma Kit has been updated with all new 8 components.
We've made some updates to the Relume Chrome Extension to help streamline your workflow. Access all 1,000+ components including UI Elements and Page Templates inside of Webflow, convert SVG icons to embeds, and more.
Hey Lumers, It’s a new month which means we’ve released some new components and updates to improve the Relume Library. Happy April Component Day! It’s a BIG one
These include:
It’s a new month which means we’ve released some new components and updates to the Relume Library. Happy March Component Day!
Here’s what new:
We're excited to announce the latest components and updates to Relume Library. Happy February Component Day!
Here’s what's new:
We're ready to start 2023 off with a bang! Here's the latest new components and updates to Relume Library. Happy January Component Day!
Here’s what's new:
We’re excited to announce the release of new components and updates to Relume Library. Happy December Component Day!
Here’s what's new:
It’s a new month which means we’ve released some new components and updates to the Relume Library. Happy November Component Day!
These include:
It’s a new month which means we’ve released some new components and updates to the Relume Library. Happy October Component Day!
These include:
It’s a new month which means we’ve released some new components and updates to the Relume Library. Happy September Component Day!
These include:
We’re excited about this launch and will be releasing updates to our components over the coming weeks that include the new Client-First V2 updates.
The updates will be minor and likely won’t impact any existing projects built using Client-First V1 and Relume Library. For the most part, Client-First V1 and Client-First V2 are backwards compatible. You can learn more about the differences between V1 and V2 here.
We’ll begin introducing the new updates starting on September 5 (Component Day). These updates will include:
Once we’ve released those updates we’ll be monitoring the use of the new Spacing strategy - Spacing Blocks. At this stage we’d like to see how this new Spacing strategy plays out and would love to hear from you whether we should switch from Spacing Wrappers to Spacing Blocks in our components.
If you have any questions regarding the new Client-First V2 update, please leave them in the thread and we’ll address them.
Thanks for your ongoing support!
It’s the start of a new month which means we’ve released some updates to the library and this time it’s a BIG one. Happy August Component Day! 🎉
Today we’re launching Libraries (aka. Relume Library 2.0)!
What does this include?
Happy July Component Day!
After receiving many requests to create tutorial videos for the Relume Library, this month we decided to double down on creating content. We are excited to launch the Relume University - a place where you can find videos on how to take full advantage of the Relume Library and improve your productivity and design on Webflow.
This will be the new content hub for the Relume Library. Videos will be released more regularly, along with some articles too, so expect to see new content each week.
There are no new components this month, however, we have a big update coming in a few weeks which includes lots of new stuff, so we’ve been working hard towards that release.
We hope you find the Relume University helpful and we look forward to creating more content for this community.
It’s a new month which means we’ve released some new components to the library. Happy June Component Day!
These include:
It’s a new month which means we’ve released some new components to the library (Figma & Webflow). Happy May Component Day!
These include:
Component voting has been a great tool for the Relume team to ensure that we’re spending our time and resources building the right components for the community. Over the past couple of months, since launching the voting board, the team has received lots of positive feedback related to component voting and our ability to deliver on what the community wants. Relume is extremely community focused and we aim to stay that way, which is why we are working to improve component voting so that we can continue delivering value on monthly Component Day releases.
We’ve learn’t a lot over the past couple of months and have decided to make some key changes to how component voting works with the goal of setting clearer expectations with you and reducing internal company chaos during the lead up to Component Day. The latter is very important to our company, we want to maintain a calm work environment for our team so that we can do our best work and deliver the most valuable possible.
If you’d like to provide feedback on component voting for our monthly Component Day, feel free to reach out to Adam or Dan on Slack or via email at [email protected].
It’s a new month which means we’ve released some new components to the library (Figma & Webflow). Happy April Component Day!
These include:
Today we’re launching the Style Guide Selector which you can find in the top right-hand corner of the dashboard. The purpose of this feature is to enable 100% compatibility with other style guides such as Finsweet’s style guide found in their Client-first cloneable, which many of you have used on existing projects. Simply select the style guide you’re using in a project and the components will adjust to the CSS values of the pre-built classes in that style guide and prevent unnecessary class duplication.
Many of you have reached out regarding class duplication issues when using Finsweet’s style guide with Relume Library components. Although we recommend you use the Relume Library Style Guide, we understand that many existing projects were built using Finsweet’s Client-first cloneable and so we wanted to make sure that our components are compatible with both Finsweet and Relume starter projects to prevent any unnecessary class duplication occurring. This is important because class duplication leads to class renaming, which takes time and reduces productivity, and we care deeply about productivity.
Just to be clear, class duplication in Webflow occurs when two classes share the same name but have different CSS values and properties. For example, let’s imagine you have a .button class in Project A and it has a border radius of 1rem and a .button class in Project B and it has no border radius. If you were to copy Project A’s .button and paste it in to Project B, the button class would duplicate and be renamed to .button2.
Relume Library components have been built using pre-built classes from the Relume Library Style Guide. The same pre-built classes can be found in Finsweet’s Client-first cloneable, however, some of Relume’s pre-built classes have different CSS values, primarily for spacing classes. For example, Relume’s .margin-small class uses 1.5rem, whereas Finsweet’s .margin-small class uses 1rem. One of the reasons why class duplication occurs when pasting Relume Library components into projects that use Finsweet’s style guide (found in Finsweet’s Client-first cloneable) is because the components consist of classes that share the same name but have different values.
For the purpose of transparency, the following classes have different CSS values and would lead to class duplication:
The Style Guide Selector works by adjusting the CSS values based on the style guide selected. This means that when you switch between style guides, the components will slightly change in appearance to match the selected style guides spacing, typography, colours and UI elements.
At the time of building this library, we did not anticipate the reception we’d get from the Finsweet community and the issues that would result from pasting components into an existing project that uses Finsweet’s Client-first cloneable. We took the approach of building a library that we at Relume would use, and adjusting the spacing values that fit our design system made the most sense at the time. To this day we still prefer our spacing values (as they skew towards smaller spacing dimensions) and find them to be more inline with our design style, which is why we’re sticking with them for now.
The issue of class duplication can’t be avoided at this stage and is the nature of copy and pasting components into Webflow. What can be avoided is the unnecessary duplication of classes due to the conflicts between the two style guides, which we have now solved with the release of the Style Guide Selector. We aim to continue to solve problems around duplication as we believe it has the opportunity to increase productivity and improve workflows.
It’s the first day of the month which means we’ve released some new components to the library (Figma & Webflow). Happy March Component Day!
These include:
We’re anticipating a few questions so have documented some answers below.
The short answer is that we’re still working on them and will be releasing them as part of our next component day on April 1. We did not want to rush them and so we’re using this extra time to make them as good as possible!
Yes, we’ve updated the Figma file with all new components. To access them you’ll need to duplicate the file again on Figma.
We just released a Relume Library Figma Kit to the Figma community for FREE!
I’ve recorded an introduction video to help you get started.
We’ve created a #figma-kit channel in our Slack where you can ask any Figma Kit related questions or provide feedback. Feedback is very much welcomed!
Lastly, big shout out to the team at Minimal Square for taking the initiative to build this out and give this away for free. It’s an awesome gesture and speaks volumes to the community we have here.
In order for us to continuously listen to your feedback for Component Day, we’ve decided to create our own voting board where you can upvote which new components you’d like us to build for April 1st Component Day.
Instead of collecting votes over a single timeframe, we are taking the approach of refreshing votes each month so that requests are more relevant to our current members.
You’ll also be able to see the components we are currently building for our next component release.
It’s the first day of the month which means we’ve released some new components to the library. Happy component day!
These include:
We’re calling on the community to help us build the most epic Webflow component library of all time. Submit components and earn rewards.
A fluid responsive method for Relume Library is now available thanks to our friends at Finsweet. Make your website fluid responsive visually in rems, without writing custom css or making calculations. I’ve created walking you through how to add it to your website (see below).