Updating existing projects


Learn how to update your style guide or use Relume with an existing project.

In this doc you’ll learn how to:

  1. Add a Relume Style Guide to your existing project
  2. Update your existing style guide to the latest Client-First version
  3. Change your component library preferences

Add a Relume Style Guide to your existing project

To add the Relume Style Guide for Webflow to your existing project that does not currently have a style guide in it, you’ll follow these steps:

  • Adding the Relume Style Guide for Webflow is as simple as cloning the style guide project.
  • Selecting the Style Guide page and then selecting and copying page-wrapper .
  • Navigate to your existing project, and create a new page and give it a name of Style Guide.
  • Paste page-wrapper into this new page.

Now you have all of the Client-First utility and global classes that you need to effectively build a website with Relume.

Update your existing style guide to the latest Client-First version

Occasionally there are new versions of Client-First. Relume works closely with Finsweet on changes made to Client-First because these changes can have sweeping effects on the component library.

How often does Client-First change?

There have only been 5 updates in the past 3 years. So not very frequently.


Whenever Client-First does get an update, Relume will ensure there is a clear changelog so that you can make the necessary updates to your existing project.

Migrating to Client-First v2.1

The most recent change to Client-First was the introduction of Variables. This new version brought Client-First up to date with the new Variables feature for Webflow.

If you would like to migrate your existing project from Client-First version 1.X to version 2.1 you can read our changelog.

Change your component library preferences

Our recommended approach to using Relume with an existing project that has a Relume or Client-First style guide is to change your preferences within the Relume Webflow Library and the Relume Chrome Extension.

Relume will always ensure that there is a strategy to support previous style guides using this preference setting.

Changing Preferences in the Relume Webflow Library

In the library under Webflow Library > Preferences (top right).

Changing Preferences in the Relume Chrome Extension

In the chrome extension, you can open it up and navigate to Preferences.

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