Build React websites in minutes with AI
Effortlessly generate marketing sites using AI and export your designs to React and HTML.

Tranform wireframes into React-ready sites

Generate a sitemap and wireframes in seconds
Type in a company description and let AI generate the beautiful wireframe in a few seconds.

Add content and edit wireframes with ease
Customise and edit your site. Collaborate with others to perfect your content and copy.

Export to React or HTML with one click
Export your site as high-quality React or HTML components built with Tailwind CSS and Shadcn UI.

Build in minutes,
not weeks
Building a website from scratch takes time, those days are gone. With Relume you can create custom marketing sites on any React-supported platform, including Next.js, Astro, Vite, and Webpack.

Better collaboration
Eliminate friction and have everything you need to bring your designer's vision to life quickly and accurately.

A modern tech stack
Built on the industry-standard foundations of Tailwind CSS and Shadcn UI for maximum performance.
The world's largest collection of desktop and mobile layouts
Get access to over 1,000 unique layouts, inspired by the best marketing websites in the world.
Everything you need
From page templates, marketing sections, e-commerce sections, application ui and more.
Monthly updates
We religiously do big additions each month to ensure our library is up to date with the latest trends.

Try Relume for free on your next project
Site Builder
Figma Library
Webflow Library
React Library

400k+ Designers & developers trust Relume